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miércoles, 14 de julio de 2010
Articulo en Nature
Encuentran los fosiles mas antiguos de metazoarios
Aqui se puede leer lo siguiente A series of well preserved centimetre-scale fossils in an extended fossiliferous level within black shales near Franceville, in Gabon, West Africa, may represent the earliest evidence so far reported for cell-to-cell signalling and coordinated growth behaviour on the scale of macroorganisms. Dated at about 2.1 billion years old, a billion and a half years before the rapid expansion in multicellular life forms known as the ‘Cambrian explosion’, their shape and regular fabric indicate a multicellular degree of organization. On the cover, the structure of a macrofossil specimen revealed by microtomography-based imaging.
Aqui se puede leer lo siguiente
ResponderEliminarA series of well preserved centimetre-scale fossils in an extended fossiliferous level within black shales near Franceville, in Gabon, West Africa, may represent the earliest evidence so far reported for cell-to-cell signalling and coordinated growth behaviour on the scale of macroorganisms. Dated at about 2.1 billion years old, a billion and a half years before the rapid expansion in multicellular life forms known as the ‘Cambrian explosion’, their shape and regular fabric indicate a multicellular degree of organization. On the cover, the structure of a macrofossil specimen revealed by microtomography-based imaging.